Privacy by Design Requirements Elicitations and Data Subjects' Rights ===================================================================== Intro ----- | Τhis material aims to provide theoretical, methodological and practical guidance on the elicitation of privacy requirements. Additionally, the material offers insights on the process for data subjects’ rights management. | More specifically, several privacy requirements elicitation methodologies are described, with particular attention on their process, modeling techniques, graphical representations and relevant software tools. Further, a workflow of activities for data subjects’ rights handling is offered. | The material mainly targets computer science and informatics specialists. At the end of the study, the reader is expected to: * Be familiar with the current privacy requirements elicitation methodologies * Understand the privacy requirements’ elicitation activities as part of the software requirements engineering process * Understand the data retention considerations in the software development process * Know the steps for enabling the management of data subject’s rights within the software development process ⇒ `See relevant slides <_static/Appendix_5.pdf>`__ General References ------------------ 1. A. Cavoukian, “Privacy by design [leading edge]” IEEE Technology and So-ciety Magazine, Vol.31, No.4, pp. 18–19, 2012. 2. S. Gürses, C. Troncoso, C. Diaz, “Engineering privacy by design”, Comput-ers, Privacy & Data Protection, Vol.14, No.3, 2011. 3. M. Deng, K. Wuyts, R. Scandariato, B. Preneel, W. Joosen, “A privacy threat analysis framework: supporting the elicitation and fulfillment of pri-vacy requirements”, Requirements Engineering, Vol.16, No.1, pp. 3-32, 2011. 4. L. Liu, E. Yu, J. Mylopoulos, “Security and privacy requirements analysis within a social setting”, In Proceedings of 11th IEEE International Re-quirements Engineering Conference, IEEE, 2003, pp. 151-161. 5. E. Yu, L. Cysneiros, “Designing for privacy and other competing require-ments”, In 2nd Symposium on Requirements Engineering for Information Security (SREIS’02), Raleigh, North Carolina, 2002, pp. 15-16.