Risk Assessment - DPIA ====================== Intro ----- | The objective of this material is to offer methodological guidance on risk-based security and privacy protection. In particular, the material describes in detail the information security risk assessment and management process based on the relevant international standard ISO/IEC 27005 (2018). In sequence, methodological guidance is provided for the data protection impact analysis based on the recommendations by the National Personal Data Protection Authority in France. | The material mainly targets DPOs, risk analysts, software engineers, security and privacy experts. The reader is expected to: * Understand the concept of risk in security and privacy protection * Become familiar with the security risk assessment activities and the selection of security strategies based on security risk analysis * Become familiar with the data protection impact analysis activities and the selection of privacy enhancing tools based on privacy risk analysis * Understand the similarities and differences between security risk analysis and data protection impact assessment ⇒ `See relevant slides <_static/Appendix_7.pdf>`__ General References ------------------ 1. `CNIL Data Impact Assessment `_ 2. `ISO/IEC 27005:2018, Information technology — Security techniques — Information security risk management `_ 3. `ISO 29134:2017, Information technology — Security techniques — Guidelines for privacy impact assessment `_